120122 song The Mower’s Song

A Mower’s Song

The mower’s pace is at a walk

The motor keeps him steady

He walks a line across the green

To turn, again he’s ready

He greets each morn with dewy feet

His boots will soon be soaked

To fester in his woolen socks

From which big toes have poked

The reel aligned from pivoting

He eyes and marks the end

Engage the wheels he’s off again

His lines won’t veer or bend

The rows he makes across the green

So fine they could compete

Repeat onto the other side

Until the whole’s complete

And then he’ll pause, look up and think

A clean up lap today?

A spin or two will finish this

With four more in his way

Like bonsai trimmers clipping trees

To keep them just so sized

The golf green mowers’ daily trim

Leave greenspeed highly prized

Now you could do the math to learn

The steps he’d make to mow

The two foot strips made on the greens:

A lot of steps, I know


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