HC 010223 New Year’s Resolve
New Year’s Resolve
I remember seeing Khrushchev’s image well
Newsreels of stern men, fat and bald, would swell
From bus to stand and point at edge of field
Beside our crops, we’d share our precious yield
All round and plump in Summer flush of green
Must be the finest fields he’d ever seen,
The corn, it’s farmer, standing tall and proud
As cameras captured them and gathered crowd
A photo in today’s Times shows a farm
A harvest gleaning scene has come to harm
New Holland combine works on Ukraine fields,
All up to date with miraculous yields,
Now war, for reasons beyond our ken, fouled
Because one man, Vladimir Putin, growled:
Exports are down by half, the world goes hungry,
Democracy can wait, the world grows angry
Resolve to hold the line against such acts
Has Western nations out renewing pacts,
India, their surplus billions firm demands
Has Modi’s allegiance changing hands:
It’s fuel they need at new embargo prices
To fuel our climate’s ever worsening crisis.
I likely will downgrade from Champagne to beer
While I take the day off, wring in the New Year.