011623 sonnet Unsteady State

Unsteady State

It’s clear she’s morphing into something new,

The savvy pol got there on pluck, but now

Allied with power has required she hew

To all new lines and quickly figure how

To navigate the halls as if in school:

In House with voter clout her way holds sway

No matter, soapbox, shoulder, step or stool

Beside him all the way, is where she’ll stay.

By hook or crook, or more, by claw or maw,

Forget that Q-anon bit, ‘twas the mere

Deft means of bait and switch, and bloody raw,

How politics became her new career.

The pupa stage will latch it’s fate and wait

To reappear as what? We wait our fate.


011923 sonnet Winter Refreshment


011123-2 sonnet I Have Two Simics Being Delivered